Wednesday, 25 January 2012

How To Make Remote Control Rocket

Details of Conversion of Light to Audio Including Scientific Principle
Actually the main work in this system is to convert light into audio sound to produce different kind of sound for different frequencies of light. Through this one can identify the color of light by hearing the effective sound produced by it. And for fixed frequency and intensity of light the produced sound will be constant any where in the universe.

Light coming from source → Photo Mosaic Plate → Video Amplifier →
Audio Amplifier →Amplified Audio to speaker

Application conversion

Firing a Rocket by this process is just its application. In this a constant video is selected from VCD player, now this selected video is allowed to pass through the audio amplifier.
After amplification the gained audio is allowed to pass through Ignition tube to ignite the Rocket.
Selected Video → Audio → Ignition Tube

Basic conversion

When a light radiation is allowed to fall on photo mosaic plate, photoelectrons are ejected. Now the gained electronic signal is allowed to pass through Video Amplifier.
Now this amplified video is allowed to pass through audio amplifier after that the amplified audio is allowed to pass through speaker to get hearable sound.
Light → Video → Audio → Speaker

                                            DETECTION OF LIGHT’S AUDIO


C1 and C2=Deflection coils
E=Pre Video Signal

Each kind of light radiation when ever allowed to fall over iconoscope the gained video is made in to the audio pre-amplifier. After the amplification of this audio a new type of sound is produced. Through this one can hear the light coming from any outer source by above described processing.

For constant video frequency, the produced audio frequency is constant any where in the universe.

                                           ABOUT THE ENGINE

High pressure exhaust jet engine.


In this type of engine the combustion of the fuel is done in side the fuel chamber to get high pressure.

            About the fuel
1. Exhaust gases must be of very large amount as one gram of fuel is burnt.
2. Combustion should be at extremely high rate.
3. The fuel should be highly compact and burn rapidly.
4. Complete burning of the fuel must take place so as no residue is left behind.
5. The calorific value of fuel must be very high.
6. Used fuel Gun Powder –mixture of Sulphur, Charcoal and Nitre.
            About the ignition tube
Technical data about ignition tube
1.      Radius of ignition tube =0.29 cm.
2.      Flame producer coil of tungsten.
3.      Potential applied=4.7v.
4.      One time usable.
            About the Rocket Body
1.      Diameter of Rocket =1.55cm
2.      Height of cylindrical body=20cm
3.      Height of conical tip=2cm
4.      Height of stand=7cm
5.      Diameter of jet Hole=0.2cm
           About the Rocket Engine
1.      Diameter of fuel tank=1.42cm
2.      Height of fuel tank =8cm
3.      Insulation of fuel tank Shallow tape plastic sticker
4.      Fire conductor ignition thread wrapped in paper
           About the Rocket transmitter
Visible frequency light transmitter
1.      Fixed focus Reflector radius=0.2  / 2   cm
2.      Fixed polarity larger area negative smaller area positive
3.      Applied potential=3.8 v
4.      Source of power =Chip type battery

           Condition of flight
1.      The weight of the rocket should be effectively low.
2.      The penetration of the rocket in the air should be extremely high.
3.      The volume of the exhausted gases must be as high that the weight of the displaced air must be greater than the total weight of the Rocket.
4.      The body must be made by the material which should be highly slippery to the air medium.
5.      Application of Newton’s third law –“every action has its equal and opposite reaction, that’s why the exhausted gas propels the Rocket upward. 

Take off station
 0o Inclination Horizontal surface 

About the digital control of ignition
VCDR—Version 2.0
FVF –Constant –Gives birth to FAF Constant
Controls –
VR=100kΩ placement =1.1
TR=10kΩ placement =0
BR=10kΩ placement =10

Remote control working
Power on-Receiver System Frontier
Select Volume from audio board
Remote ---Select Stop (Display Screen will be vacant)
Arrange the rocket with the ignition tube
Press stop again to start the Rocket
The screen will show the completion of circuit.

Power fed to the ignition tube of Rocket
FVF in pre-audio amply
Pre audio amply generates FAF from the incoming FVF
In FAF is amplified to give out FAF of high potential
Out FAF controls the Igniter

For constant VF, the produced AF is constant any where in the universe.

System power
In the system of power –voltage should be maintained constant at the time of ignition otherwise it will destroy the ignition tube.

The system must be fed with constant voltage at any cost.  

Figure of Rocket and its Control System

2. Length to diameter ratio of Rocket
Length of Rocket body =20cm
Diameter of Rocket =1.55cms
Length to diameter ratio =20 /1.55
Length to diameter ratio of engine =8 / 1.42
Ratio of diameter 0f Rocket body to diameter of Jet hole = 1.55 / 0.2

3. Construction details of the Rocket
-The body of rocket is made from hard sheet paper or light plastic sheet.
-Height of cylindrical body of Rocket =20 cm or varies according to range.
-The conical tip consists of a metal needle at its upper most portions to produce high penetration in air during its up ward motion.
-Height of stand =7cms or varies according to range
-Three chip type battery each of 1.5v is used to operate light transmitter.
-Engine consists of fuel gunpowder.
-The engine has an out let ignition thread through this jet, which is used to conduct the fire from the ignition tube to the rocket engine.

4. Exhaust Details
-Radius of Jet hole =0.001m
-Area of jet hole = 0.00000314m2
-Weight of rocket =56 gm = 0.056 kg.
-Pressure at jet hole = 0.056N /0.00000314m2 =17834.3949 N/m2
-Pressure at the ground of area 0.000188596m2 is = 0.056 / 0.000188596 =296.931 N/m2

Weight of Rocket increases according to range
For 400m range the weight is 56 grams.
For 2000m range the weight is 290 grams.
And more

e) Result:

-For fixed video frequency (FVF) the produced audio frequency will always be fixed.
-As incoming frequency is changed the produced audio frequency is changed automatically.
-For different colors of light the sound will be different, that’s why one can identify the color of light only by hearing the produced sound without actually watching the light.
-The sound is produced according to nature law that’s why it will remain constant for constant video frequency any where in the universe.

F) Novel finding
It is a new way to ignite any thing by remote control.
Using this one can hear the color of light coming from the source.

g) Conclusions:
Major finding in general way in my project is to convert video signal to hearable sound.  
But here it is specialized and bound to produce heat energy from video signal of constant frequency.

By Phspace life line

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